Venus Legacy and Venus Freeze are two different skin tightening devices that uses radio frequency to deliver volumetric heating under the skin for tightening, plumping and reducting cellulite. We have been using this technology since 2011 and sometimes we may combine with other lasers to maximize your personal results.
Venus Legacy
What is Venus Legacy™?
The Venus Legacy is your best option for combating stubborn fat areas and cellulite. It combines VariPulse™ technology with our proven 3D™ MP2 energy, causing it to travel deeper into the skin resulting in increased blood circulation, immediate plumping, and glowing skin. Results can be seen in as little as one treatment – no pain, discomfort or downtime!
How it Works
Using patented (MP)² technology, Venus Legacy utilizes multi-polar radio frequency and Pulsed Magnetic fields which produce a soothing and therapeutic heat matrix over the skin. Skin tightening, wrinkle reduction and cellulite reduction occur because the multi-polar radio frequency causes a thermal reaction in the tissue which stimulates the body’s natural healing response. This restoring response causes the skin to contract, achieving tighter skin, softening of wrinkles and reduced cellulite.
What to Expect
Venus Legacy treatments are non-invasive and painless, with many patients comparing the treatment to a hot-stone massage! Treatments take approximately 30-40 minutes depending on the area, you can expect to see results as the treatments progress, a minimum of 6 treatments for the face, 8 on the neck and 10 on the body.
Venus Freeze
What is Venus Freeze™?
The Venus Freeze is a revolutionary treatment which is highly effective in circumference reduction, improving cellulite, skin tightening and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Venus Freeze uses pulsed magnetic fields, which provide you with the added benefits of increased oxygen, nutrients and blood to the skin – giving it an immediate and long lasting glow. Our Promise is to provide you with a safe, pleasant, and pain-free experience in treatments for the face and body including arms, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck and face.
How it Works
Using patented (MP)² technology, Venus Freeze utilizes multi-polar radio frequency and Pulsed Magnetic fields which produce a soothing and therapeutic heat matrix over the skin. Skin tightening, wrinkle reduction and cellulite reduction occur because the multi-polar radio frequency causes a thermal reaction in the tissue which stimulates the body’s natural healing response. This restoring response causes new collagen to form and the production of new elastin fibres. The active collage in the skin contracts, achieving tighter skin, softening of wrinkles and reduced cellulite.
What to Expect
Venus Freeze treatments are non-invasive and painless, with many patients comparing the treatment to a hot-stone massage! Treatments take approximately 30-40 minutes depending on the area, you can expect to see results as the treatments progress, a minimum of 6 treatments for the face, 8 on the neck and 10 on the body
Eileen’s Experience Counts: 
We have seen great result for the right person and body type. Only a complimentary consultation will be able to see if this technology is right for you.