Latisse lengthens, thickens and darkens eyelashes. Eyelashes sprout, grow for a while and eventually fall out. Latisse both extends the growth phase and increases the number of hairs that sprout. During clinical studies, full results appeared after 12 to 16 weeks of daily use.
You apply Latisse by dabbing it on the upper lash line each night with the sterile applicators supplied. The drug spreads to your lower lash line automatically as you blink. According to the manufacturer, you should never apply it in your eye or onto your lower lid. Before you apply, your face must be clean and your makeup and contact lenses removed.
Always discard each applicator after one use. Re-using applicators, even just once the next evening, can cause serious problems, such as an eye infection or allergic reaction. And apply it carefully, since Latisse may promote hair growth on other skin areas.
After two months of nightly use, you may begin to see results. Around 3-4 months usually you only need to use it 2-3 times a week. If you stop using Latisse, your eyelashes will gradually return to their former state.
Latisse is a prescription drug, It’s not a cosmetic like mascara. Pregnant women shouldn’t use it, and nursing women may want to wait as well. We carry it in our office and a Nurse Practitioner will go over the consent with you to see if it is right for you.
At week 4: You may start to see longer lashes
At week 8: You may start to see fuller and darker lashes
At week 16: Full dramatic results
In order to purchase Latisse, you must come into our office for a short consult and sign an informed consent.